The Gayla, Stonewall and the Atlas

The upcoming Gayla and Jeff Sharlet’s upcoming lecture Criminalizing Gays memorialize the Stonewall Riots of 1969 and create a space to evaluate the historical struggles and contemporary accomplishments of the LGBTQ community.

The Cornell Library has a plethora of books to support this endeavor. A subject search for “Gay rights—US” in JULIEN, the library’s catalog, returns 48 results. For legal materials, try the subject search “Gays — Legal status, laws, etc. — United States.”

Below are a few books which illustrate the diversity in our collection related to this subject matter.

Becoming Visible by Molly McGarry and Fred Wasserman is a pictorial history of gay life in the twentieth-century. The books chronicles the 1994 exhibit at the New York Public Library and provides a visual record of the gay and lesbian community, including material history like posters, pins, and photos from the 1900-2000.  HQ 75.16.U6M371998

David Mixner and Dennis Bailey collaborated to create Brave Journeys: Profiles in Gay and Lesbian Courage. The book documents “trailblazers” who selflessly fought against discrimination and bigotry including the first elected openly gay public officer.                   HQ 76.3 U5 B688 2000

In The Case for Gay Rights: from Bowers to Lawrence and Beyond gay activist, David A.J. Richards, evaluates two Supreme Court cases: Bowers v. Hardwick and Lawrence v. Texas. Richards reviews these cases within the political period and in light of Roe v. Wade decision. He also examines recent debates related to gays in the military and same-sex marriage.  KF 4754.5 R5252005

The Gay and Lesbian Atlas maps the gay and lesbian location patterns from the 2000 census data, by state, county, age, ethnicity, family size, and more.  The hope is that this data can “dispel stereotypes and present a more accurate picture of gay and lesbian families.” Authors Gary J. Gates and Jason Ost note that Vermont has the highest concentration of gay and lesbian couples in the nation, (yup, even more than California) and is ranked first in terms of gay/lesbian-supportive laws. HQ 76.3U5G355 2004

Be sure to attend the following events on campus to support the LGBTQ community!

Stonewall Speaker: Criminalizing Gay

April 15, 2011, 2:30pm – 4:00pm, Oakes Hall Classroom 007

In memory of fallen Ugandan activists, those suffering and dying around the world in silence, and the birth of America’s gay rights movement at Stonewall in 1969, VLS welcomes Dartmouth Professor Jeff Sharlet.
Jeff Sharlet is a New York Times best-selling author of The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power and most recently, C Street: the Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. Mr. Sharlet is assistant professor of English at Dartmouth College and a contributing editor of Harper’s Magazine and of Rolling Stone Magazine. He has been writing about the intersection of politics, fundamentalism, and culture for more than a decade.

Gayla 2011

April 15, 2011, 7:00pm, Chase Community Center

The Alliance presents this annual celebration and day of remembrance of the Stonewall Riots in 1969, the event that jump started the Gay Rights Movement. The evening will be a night to remember as guests DRAG in a NEW DECADE. A fun, light-hearted foray into some traditional and some not-so-traditional cross-dressing through the decades.